Sunday 1 June 2008

Steven Spielberg - Labeouf Feared Transformers Axe

SHIA LaBEOUF was convinced moviemaker STEVEN SPIELBERG was going to axe him from TRANSFORMERS during a meeting - but was offered a part in INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL instead.

LaBeouf feared his Hollywood career was over after he was called into a meeting with the legendary filmmaker ahead of the release of the 2007 Transformers movie.

But he was pleasantly surprised by Spielberg's offer.

He tells, "I had just finished making Transformers. On a Monday, I got a call: 'Steven wants to meet with you at his office on Thursday regarding a movie he's gonna be making.'

"So I went to Amblin, and I came into his office. I had started to think maybe I was going to the principal's office.

"Like that Steven was going to say, 'Listen, we just saw all the Transformers footage, and we're in the midst of cutting you out of the film. And we just wanted to express our thanks for your hard work and efforts.'"

But what Spielberg really wanted was to ask him to star in the next installment of the Indiana Jones franchise.

LaBeouf said he felt like he was going to cry and started pacing around the office, and Steven said, "I guess that means yes."

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