Wednesday 21 May 2008

Britney Spears hopes for positive custody hearing

Britney Spears hopes for positive custody hearing

LOS ANGELES - Precisely tierce months receive passed since Britney Spears slipped off from a psychiatric barbara Ward and promptly stirred up a paparazzi elevator car chase, a tantrum that looked like the outset of even more erratic conduct for the troubled pop adept.Spears started acting come out of character in the weeks that followed: She laid depression and avoided the cameras. She spent metre with family members. She ground operate, and succeeded at it.It now appears Spears' child-custody hearing Tues has the potential drop for a positive degree final result.The troubled 26-year-old pop sensation has been under the conservatorship of her father since her one-week-early vent from UCLA Medical exam Center. She is expected to attend the hold position earreach in a business district courthouse with her parents.-AP